Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Big Girls





.Very Much.

I'm cherishing every minute I get with these little ones before another baby girl enters my life. (Well, its hard to cherish the moments of whining and crying...but I'm loving the rest :)
I love how having a baby makes you pause and evaluate what is really important in life. Its so easy to get wrapped up in "doing things" and forget about investing in and enjoying the people you love...especially little ones who require constant work!

My awesome friend Liz took the girls out back one night and took some sweet shots of them. They turned out great considering we were attacked by swarms of mosquito's!

These pretty girls are growing so fast...

Lately I've thought a lot about this...

"I hope my child looks back on today
and remembers a Mum who had time to play
There will be years for cleaning and cooking
But children grow up when we are not looking
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
Because babies grow fast, we learn to our sorrow
So settle down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I'm cuddling my baby, and babies don't keep"

(abbreviated "Song for a 5th Child" by Ruth Hamilton)

I only wish I knew a way
to keep them from growing up
so, so quickly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so so so so so cute!! I LOVE THEM! I MISS YOU! Love you!!

Julie :)