Saturday, March 06, 2010

Girls Birthday Party

We had another big "combined" Birthday Party for our girls this year (easy to do since their birthday's are three days apart!). We had it at Chuck E Cheese, one place I would have vowed never to have their party at. But, much to my surprise, it turned out to be super fun! I am looking forward to the day when I can have their parties at our house (it would be a tight squeeze in our current home). But honestly I think the kiddos had a blast playing games for hours. I told Joe I think the Lord somehow multiplied the tokens, because we never ran out!

The Birthday Girls. Abigail rode this carousel probably 50 times. No kidding. She was a bit obsessed :) But its OK, it was her party.

Abi with little buddie Anna Cate.

Four Dad's came to the party, plus Zach. Its hard to tell who had more fun, them or the kids. They were all sweaty by the end of the morning. Nice.

Grammy & Ju-Ju were very special guests too, on top of the 25 kids and their Moms.
The party was the Monday after Liz's wedding, so Julie was still snowed out of MD and made the party!
After the kids played we had pizza & cupcakes then played some more. Fun memories! I love having parties for little kids, it brings back so many memories from my childhood!

1 comment:

Anne said...

LOL, "Four dads came to the party, and Zach."