Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life with Our Princesses

We are so, so blessed! I don't know how we could love these two little girls anymore than we do. We've been soaking up all this lovely weather lately, and spent every free evening outside. The other night the girls got all dolled up in their princess attire, and asked their Daddy (aka "The Prince") to dance. Joe is a very lucky man to have two (really three) adoring little girls, and he knows it.

Also an update on the house, we're UNDER CONTRACT! Wow! That's all I can say. God provided miraculously! How amazingly quick in such a buyers market! This has been an emotional week, contemplating leaving this home we love and heading...who knows where? But God knows. I must rest there. And we are praying for God to miraculously provide a new home that we really love!! More on the house stuff to come.


The Brown Family said...

I just had the thought... Did they get a contract??? so just checked your blog! Oh, thank you Lord for answering so quickly! How kind of the Lord and how exciting for you all! Praise His Name!! I can't wait to see what He does next :).

Erin said...

That's awesome, girl! Congratulations! Let us know if you need any help packing or moving.

Lindsay said...

Precious pictures of your girls!!

I totally understand your sadness about leaving your house. I cried all the way to closing when we sold our last house. The one Gracie and Piper were born into. I still miss it. But God has great things in store:) Can't wait to hear more!

Carolyn said...

So cool you have a contract! I hope the house hunting is going well for you!!!

I think it is so sweet the way Joe relates to his daughters, and how much they adore him. That is a special gift.