Sunday, January 18, 2009


It's hard for me to believe that we are already a few weeks into 2009! 
I had every intention of posting sooner, but we seemed to be caught up in what I refer to as the "Christmas hangover"...trying to establish normal life again after all the wonderful holiday festivities. I am always amazed at how long this takes. We've been staying home a bit more and I've been in spring cleaning mode...reorginizing our home, our weekly schedule, the girls clothes, our clothes, meal planning, the girls routine, etc, etc! Its been productive, but I guess you could say I have a case of "spring fever". Not that I want to speed up life any faster than it already is, but I just wish it could be bit warmer. Its been unusually cold since New Years. I've been thinking about spring & summer so much, that I spent a while last night looking at pictures from last spring & summer. I came across some pictures I had on CD, but never loaded onto my computer (pretty unusual for me)...I thought they were fun, and they made me think of spring, so I thought I'd post them. 

 Ahhh. They make me smile. They are from a field that is next to our neighborhood. Most days I'd take the girls on a wagon ride right by the field, and one day I decided to stop in and take some pictures. Then we went back many more days because I really liked it...and one day Alathea was wearing her princess fairy costume which was pretty cute. 

Anyways, back to January 2009... in addition to our cleaning & organization kick, we've started seriously thinking about potty training. I took Alathea on a date to pick out her big girl underwear and she was SO excited. I brought my camera and took a video of her dancing in circles super excited at target holding her sleeping beauty underwear. For anyone who reads this who is not a mom yet, I'll stop now at the cute stuff and I'll let you know when she's actually truly potty trained :)

Abigail is turning into an almost one year old! She turns 1 on February 7th!! Unbelievable!!! She's been standing on her own for 2 months now, but still not walking. Her favorite thing to do is walk with her walker, but still no steps without it. Alathea was full-blown walking by now. Maybe Abigail will be one of those "talkers" instead of "walkers"? She's been saying 'mama', 'dada', 'yay-yay' and 'uh-oh'! "uh-oh" is super cute :)
My favorite thing so far this year has been watching the girls friendship blossom. They are starting to really play together. Yesterday they played for 2 hours in our living room. Alathea turned our coffee table into a tunnel that connected to her new tent. They just went crazy having fun together. It was so sweet. I could have gotten a lot done since they were so happy with each other, but I couldn't resist joining in on the fun too!

Well, that was a long post! Kuddo's if you are still reading. Once I load up my January pictures, I'll post again. You know I can't do a post without pictures :)


kendra said...

love love love love love
i need to hang out with them again this week please. i need to give yay yay her butterfly wings

The Honea Pad said...

Jeanie, I am ready for spring now too...

The Brown Family said...

I always love your photos Jeanie. Did you take photography lessons??? Can you post sometime how you get such fun shots? I'd love to learn!

Unknown said...

If you keep posting pictures like this of Charlotte, I am going to want to pressure your dad more into moving there!!! I miss the girls and am bummed that I won't see them for their birthdays. Have fun!