Monday, May 10, 2010

5 more weeks...

My due date is less than 5 weeks away (June 13th).
Hard to believe I am almost 9 months pregnant.

Life feels quite unsettled right now, as we are approaching a move that is right now scheduled for May 21st. Our buyers loan paperwork has not completely gone through yet, so even though our closing date is less than 2 weeks away, we are "sitting tight" as much as we can, until we know for certain we're moving. That is easier said than done, when every ounce of me just wants to "nest" and get things in order for this little girls arrival.
I have such a mixture of emotions about moving. I tear up every so often at the thought of leaving this little home. Then I'm temptation to be anxious if the deal falls through. Its hard to imagine having to put our house on the market yet again. Then I'm tempted to feel overwhelmed at all that needs to be done to pack and move and unpack if all goes as planned...into a home that would be just temporary. (Don't you just love when pregnancy hormones collide with my already sinful heart...yikes!) Just another reminder that I must place ALL of my trust and confidence on my Heavenly Father who loves me and knows far better than I do what is best for me. He is my portion and my all in all, not where I live. And not having everything in order before the baby comes.

We just returned from an amazing week at Holden Beach with some of our dearest friends. Funny timing, given all that we have to do in the next two weeks, but in many ways it was the perfect timing. We had so much sweet time as a family, with our friends, relaxing, resting and took lots of long walks with long and helpful talks. And it was a wonderful week for me to have extra time with the Lord (I needed it!). At some point I'll post more about our trip.

While things with our "move" are very much pending in every way, this little one will Lord willing make her arrival sometime in June. Hard to believe these are my last few weeks as a Mom of two little girls...its soon to be THREE!

The soon to be Big Sisters
(I hope Abi is as happy about her little sis as she is about that ice cream :)

This may be the Abi that shows up when she realizes she's not my only baby anymore!

This one is already a pro at the big sister thing.
And she is SOOOO excited about "her baby".

This one still thinks she's my baby.
And obviously she always will be. But soon she's gonna realize there is another baby in my life.
I'm gonna need much mercy and grace from the Lord when she does :)

1 comment:

Julie Bowers said...

Jeanie you are ridiculously gorgeous. Seriously.

the girls are SOOO cute!!! i miss you guys. I can't wait to see y'all!!! I am so so excited about taking them out!

and im jealous of your tan...