Friday, May 08, 2009

Growing Up

Since the day Alathea turned 3, it seems that she's more of a little girl than a toddler. It's like she's become a mini grown up over night. The "three's" have brought a lot of laughter around here. It really is a hilarious age.  I love hearing the grown-up things she says like, "Oh my goodness, Mom, that would be unbelievable!" I've also enjoyed having a mini helper. She thinks doing the dishes, putting away laundry and setting the table are fun!! (I only wish her enthusiasm could rub off on me!) She loves all the girly things, like princesses, dancing, tea parties,  and cooking in her kitchen. She's been wanting to pick out her own outfits each day (so far she's showing good taste when I let her :). She's still got the biggest "Dad crush". She's posing in the pictures above because she wants her Dad to have a picture of her with the pretty flowers she picked for him :) She's really enjoyed gardening with him this year. She's helps every step of the way- from going to the store to help pick out the flowers, to planting them, to 'hunting' the rabbits that try to eat the flowers once planted :)

At the same time she is still my little baby girl. She loves to be held. She the happiest girl in the world if I lay in her bed and actually take a nap with her. She still loves her bunny & blankie. Favorite "dates" with her still are for strawberry donuts with sprinkles or strawberry ice cream with sprinkles. As soon as it rains the first things she want to do is splash in the puddles. And there is nobody in the world she loves more than her sister. I love this age :)

The best and most sobering thing has been getting to have true "conversations" about God. She is soaking up all we say and do right now, so I am well aware of the importance of my example and my instruction. We've been attempting (we have SO much to learn and grown in as parents!!) to teach her some big things lately. Like to not be selfish but to love others. How to not be fearful but to trust God. How show kindness and love to her sister. How to set an example. How to be truthful and not deceitful. How to show Mom & Dad respect and to be a servant. These feel like huge things in comparison to what we are teaching Abigail. I am more aware of my need for God's help as a parent than ever before, and I'd imagine that will only grow the older she gets!  

The sweetest thing last night was when I was leaving her room she asked me to move a pillow from her bed that was blocking her view from the crib. She said, "Because I like to see my sweetheart when she is sleeping". Alathea's been calling Abigail "sweetheart" all week :)


Denise said...

I LOVE stwarberry donuts WITH sprinkles. I am seriously upset if they're not on them. Where do you get them? Every now and then a Dunkin Donuts does it, but that's it...

The Nilsen Nest said...

So sweet! And she looks so pretty in green!

Judy said...

Jeanie, Your photography is fantastic. But then you have such wonderful "models" to capture on film. I enjoy catching up with your activities from time to time. Judy <><