It's hard for me to believe that we are already a few weeks into 2009!
I had every intention of posting sooner, but we seemed to be caught up in what I refer to as the "Christmas hangover"...trying to establish normal life again after all the wonderful holiday festivities. I am always amazed at how long this takes. We've been staying home a bit more and I've been in spring cleaning mode...reorginizing our home, our weekly schedule, the girls clothes, our clothes, meal planning, the girls routine, etc, etc! Its been productive, but I guess you could say I have a case of "spring fever". Not that I want to speed up life any faster than it already is, but I just wish it could be bit warmer. Its been unusually cold since New Years. I've been thinking about spring & summer so much, that I spent a while last night looking at pictures from last spring & summer. I came across some pictures I had on CD, but never loaded onto my computer (pretty unusual for me)...I thought they were fun, and they made me think of spring, so I thought I'd post them.

Ahhh. They make me smile. They are from a field that is next to our neighborhood. Most days I'd take the girls on a wagon ride right by the field, and one day I decided to stop in and take some pictures. Then we went back many more days because I really liked it...and one day Alathea was wearing her princess fairy costume which was pretty cute.
Anyways, back to January 2009... in addition to our cleaning & organization kick, we've started seriously thinking about potty training. I took Alathea on a date to pick out her big girl underwear and she was SO excited. I brought my camera and took a video of her dancing in circles super excited at target holding her sleeping beauty underwear. For anyone who reads this who is not a mom yet, I'll stop now at the cute stuff and I'll let you know when she's actually truly potty trained :)
Abigail is turning into an almost one year old! She turns 1 on February 7th!! Unbelievable!!! She's been standing on her own for 2 months now, but still not walking. Her favorite thing to do is walk with her walker, but still no steps without it. Alathea was full-blown walking by now. Maybe Abigail will be one of those "talkers" instead of "walkers"? She's been saying 'mama', 'dada', 'yay-yay' and 'uh-oh'! "uh-oh" is super cute :)
My favorite thing so far this year has been watching the girls friendship blossom. They are starting to really play together. Yesterday they played for 2 hours in our living room. Alathea turned our coffee table into a tunnel that connected to her new tent. They just went crazy having fun together. It was so sweet. I could have gotten a lot done since they were so happy with each other, but I couldn't resist joining in on the fun too!
Well, that was a long post! Kuddo's if you are still reading. Once I load up my January pictures, I'll post again. You know I can't do a post without pictures :)