Sunday, December 14, 2008

Little Girls

My little climber :) She is WAY more into things than Alathea was!

The girls setting up for their tea party

Last week the Seaver and Swan ladies came over and I was struck at one point how many girls were there: 9 of us! That is if you include the little girl that Kristin is pregnant with, and if Reba happens to be pregnant with a girl, that would make 10 girls and no boys! Wow. My girls certainly are blessed with lots of sweet girls their age. It was fun watching them play too...all babies, tea parties and cooking food in the kitchen. 

The cutest was at nap time when three of the girls decided they'd nap together in the crib. They kept insisting they would really fall asleep :) 

I'm amazed at the Lords perfect plan. I always thought I'd have all boys and really wanted that. But now I'd never trade my girlies for anything! Anyways, I'd love to have a boy one day (only the Lord knows!), but I am certainly grateful for the precious gifts my daughters are to me!


Denise said...

Your girls are beyond cute!!! Abi always looks so chubby in pictures of just her face, but in whole body pictures, she looks perfectly proportioned! She is a doll!

Anonymous said...

Wow, did they really fall asleep? That's so cute!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh that picture of them taking a nap is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen!! :)

Julie :)