Life with Abigail is FUN.
No question about it. She is our funny girl and the one always making us laugh.
With all that fun comes TROUBLE. Not always intentional trouble...
she's just a little whirlwind that leaves a wake behind her.
For example:
Dumping out an entire 5lb bag of sugar onto the kitchen floor seemed like a brilliant idea.
Not only could she "swim" in it...
...she could also lick it. Yum. One of Abigail's first loves is sugar, so I suppose she just wanted to enjoy it in its raw form. She was having a grand 'ole time...

...until mean old mom told her we don't lick food off the floor.
(Not to mention we don't take food out of the pantry and pour it all over the floor :)

In her defense, I think she was just trying to have fun and couldn't see what she could have possibly been doing wrong. In fact, when I asked her what she was doing, she informed me she was a "kitty who was hungry". OK, at least that explains it :)

She is our fun-loving adventurous girl who keeps life interesting and keeps us on our toes.
She produces more laughter and tears (in both her and me!) than the rest of our family put together.

Like I've mentioned before, our little whirlwind will pause for only two things: food and babies. She loves to eat. And she loves to be a tender little mommy.
Her latest feat has been potty-training herself. Yep, you heard that right. She doing this on her own. I'm not quite ready yet, but she's decided she's had enough of wet, yucky diapers.

Honestly, all I've done is provide the little pink potty she's been asking for. She's the one who every 10 minutes sprints to her beloved chair. She's been amazingly consistent all week. I guess I should be grateful! The only down side is this kid really does have to go every 10 minutes...which had made for some really, really long outings (as a result of 5 trips to the bathroom)

Out of all of her wonderful qualities, my favorite thing of all, is her affection. She is a total and complete snuggle bug. If she ruled the world, she'd sit on my lap all day long. She'd eat dinner on my lap, have me carry her from place to place and she'd sleep snuggled by my side all night long. She's my precious little mama's-girl.

I thought it would be fun for my middle child to get a post all to herself :) Joe keeps telling me to stop referring to Abigail as a "middle child", since that can have so many negative connotations. The reality is, she is sandwiched between a big and little sister. I think God perfectly created her for this role...and I hope she grows to love how special it is.
I mean that seriously.