Friday, December 11, 2009

The new BIG sister

Abigail just learned that SHE is going to be a big sister. Yep, baby Lechner #3 is on its way a little sooner than planned, but in God's perfect timing. I'm about 13 weeks right now with the baby's very estimated due date around June 13th. When I actually stop and remember that I am pregnant (which isn't very often, to be honest, since life is pretty busy around here) I am very excited.  And Alathea is thrilled. She'll boldly proclaim that the baby is "a boy named Joseph". She really thinks its a boy. I really think its a girl :) Joe and I would be totally happy either way. Any guesses of your own? We'll Lord willing find out in Mid-January. 

PS to my family...sorry, I was hoping to wait and surprise you in person at Christmas, but couldn't wait that long :)


megan haughery said...

congrats my friend! so happy for you. #3 was my happiest and best baby. i'll start praying that for you now :)

Madeira girl said...

Yay! I hope she comes one day late so she will be born on my birthday! :) Ummm... I guess it could be a boy though, huh. Congratulations!

Lindsay said...

HOORAY Jeanie!!! I was just wondering yesterday when I saw you, when the next Lechner baby would be on it's way!! Well, the three girl club is pretty fun:) But a boy would be a thrill too!

Denise said...

I am so excited to hear this!!! And this time the baby won't have a February birthday. :) I'm so glad to know this, what fun!!!

Unknown said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for you guys!!!!

Erin said...

That's awesome, Jeanie! Congratulations! And, there is precedence for 2 girls and then a boy ;) Let me know if you want/need baby stuff like a swing, exersaucer, bottles, etc. As Chase outgrows it, I'm getting rid of it for good!

B. Emerson said...

Congratulations! :) My sister-in-law is having their third June 18. We're all so excited, too.

Carolyn said...

Congratulations, my friend!!!! Three kids is a joy!

Hilary Ann said...

So excited for you all! Can't wait to meet a new little friend . . . Zach is hoping for a boy =)

Ashley said...

very excited for you guys!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Can't wait to hear more:)

JJandFive said...

So excited : )

The Brown Family said...

Praising the Lord with you!!!