My Handsome man giving me & the baby some love :)
I went to the DR yesterday morning and have made some progress. According to this DR (who is not my main doctor), I am still 1cm and now 50% effaced. The baby has dropped some. For most women I am still slow going, but for me any progress is progress :). My due date is Sunday the 3rd (2 days from now). My DR is going to be out of town for a week starting on Wednesday. She offered having me induced before she left, but Joe & I thought that was too soon. We did feel peace about scheduling one for Thursday, Feb 7th. The main reason for this is so that my aunt will be able to come in town and help for a few days. If we wait much longer than this, she will not be able to come. I have another appointment with my doctor on Monday morning and will have a better idea then if we will go ahead with the induction or not. Please pray for wisdom! I'm getting excited to meet this little sweetie face to face! Thanks for keeping us in your prayers!
Oh... I wish I could come down there and help out... boy I miss you.
Happy Due Date! Can't wait to see little baby A when she gets here!
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