If only I could get my pictures to upload so you could see my basketball sized belly! For some reason I am having trouble uploading them, but I will keep trying...
We are making much progress around here. First of all I am officially 1cm!! Wow! That is huge for me. With Alathea I was one week late when I was induced and even at that point I had made no progress. I am still very aware that 1cm is not much, and I am not expecting our sweet girl to arrive early at all. I am doing pretty well physically still- what a gift from God! I've noticed myself being much more emotional the past few days, which is a sign to me that I am fatiqued and a bit anxious. I can still feel like there is a lot to do before baby arrives, and at the same time ALL I want to do is savor each moment with Alathea, as I know my time alone with her will decrease once little girl #2 arrives. This makes it hard to actually get done what it is that I need to attend to :) In the end I'm sure I will not regret the time I spend with Alathea!
We are making progress on baby prep though- I now have her own closet set up (as she doesn't have an official room, just a closet for her stuff :), and her clothes washed and put away. I was INCREDIBLY blessed last week with one of my dearest friends throwing me a surprise baby shower. It meant the world to me, was super fun and it blessed us in the "baby needs" department tremendously. It also helped the reality of this girly coming soon sink in.
Alathea has been so sweet each day "kissing" my tummy, rubbing it and "singing" to baby sister. I know she doesn't completely have the concept grasped as last week at my DR's appointment, she convinced my OB to put the doppler up to her tummy, which only further convinced Alathea that she has a baby in her tummy too! It was really cute :)
Please keep our little family in your prayers- for a healthy baby girl and smooth delivery, for a smooth and peaceful transition for Alathea, for grace for Joe as he has much on his plate as far as preaching and planning in the midst of having a new baby come any day, and for me to trust the Lord with the transition. Also, that I would trust the Lord to provide the help I need once the baby is here- Joe will only be able to take one day max off of work after the hospital, and my Aunt Jeanie, who is planning on coming to help for 5 days once we get home from the hospital, only is available to come up until Feb 13th- which means that if the baby is late, she may not be able to help. The Lord will provide! You can also pray for wisdom on baby's name- we are almost certain on one, but are not 100% there yet.
Only 10 days until d-day! Wow!!
I'm praying for you during these last few days before this little one arrives, your delivery & recovery. Let me know if I can help in any way.
It's just so exciting!!! I can't believe it is almost time for your little one to arrive....let Chelsey or I know if we can be of any help to you once she gets here!
ahhhhh!!!! Jeanie!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! get that baby out already! hahaha, or wait for me to come home!!! you have to have someone call me ASAP after the baby is born... I wish i could be there so bad. Ill be praying for you from Mexico!
I LOVE YOU! Julie :)
Jeanie - I am praying for you all! My sister just had her second little girl yesterday - which makes me even more excited for you :)
God is so faithful, I know he has much, much grace prepared for you, Joe and Alathea.
Thinking of you!
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