28 days?? That is what my little "baby ticker" says- WOW! Its so hard to believe. I remember when pregnant with Alathea and due on Feb 5th that the holidays make time fly during month 7 & 8 and before you know it the 3rd trimester is almost over before you realized it began. The blessing is that I in no way have the struggle "waiting" for month 9 to pass by and baby girl to arrive. Honestly I would be happy if she waited until at least her due date. I still feel great- what a gift, huh? Its a bit more cumbersome to move sometimes, but I am still sleeping well at night. I remember being more uncomfortable with Alathea than I am now. I go back & forth now with having incredible amounts of energy that keep me up organizing under sinks and closets and scrapbooking until 2am, to feeling utterly exhausted before lunch time! I am starting to really get excited about this baby- it is starting to feel more "real". We just got an incredible deal on an amazing bassinet for baby to sleep in. It was unplanned and God kind of dropped it in our laps, but its a HUGE blessing! Now she has an "official" place to sleep. And its one of the only things that is just for her (not a hand me down :). Hopefully we'll get the other baby stuff we have down from the attic soon. Every little baby thing like that helps me get ready! Oh- and Joe and the rest of my family all pitched in a surprised me with a glider for Christmas!! What a HUGE blessing! Its something I've always wanted, but they are so expensive and we have so little space in our tiny house, I kinda let it go. But after spending 18 months either nursing Alathea on the couch in our family room or on the floor next to her crib, I am so excited to feed the baby in comfort this time around :).
I am still tempted on and off being anxious and fearful about being able to sufficiantly love and care for an infant and a toddler. I an especially tempted to fear not being able to give Alathea the time & attention I want to and have been able to- as well as wanting to be able to faithfully train and discipline her. It seems like a daunting task if I will be up most of the night with baby and then Alathea will be ready to go bright and early in the morning. I'd love any advice from you experienced Moms who make it look so easy!! Pray that the next few weeks I will be able to cast these cares on the Lord and fill my mind with truth before the battle begins! Also please pray obviously for a healthy baby and smooth delivery, as well as for Alathea's little heart and her own transition during this time.
I know the Lord will meet you in every moment and every anxious thought. You already know what to do...cast your cares on Him....you will do great with both girls I'm certain!!! What a blessing!
Wow, how the time flies- 9 months already! You will do great with 2. Isaiah absolutley loves his little sister just like I'm sure Alathea will love hers. I'd love to get together sometime eiher before or after baby arrives...
No name yet, friend? Leah? A'Leah.. could go with your A theme.. and us teachers love themes!
Hi Jeanie, this is Hannah Lewiston from Texas. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm a good friend of Kathryn's (I was in her wedding....), anyway, she told me about your blog! I just wanted to encourage you today and tell you that reading your blog was like reading my thoughts just a few short months ago! I have an 18 month old girl and a 2-1/2 month old son, so I understand all your concerns towards your oldest daughter and just the overall care of both children! But oh how there is much GRACE one day at a time! Yes, the first few weeks were a real adjustment for me, but just trusting the Lord to order my times with both babies and knowing that He will take care of my oldest's feelings, etc. that she would feel with having a new little person under her was what He lead me to do and pray. And He has been so faithful to take care of those details! And I will say that having these two blessings has just caused me to rely on and cling to Jesus in a way that I never have before (He SO uses them to love us and sanctify us, doesn't He?!). I will be praying that you will have complete peace and grace as you entrust this new season to Him and have confidence that He will provide all that you will need to be a mother of two babies!
Love, Hannah
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