"Was that fun little girl??"
...now, notice in the 1st picture that Joe is over 6 feet tall. See that Alathea is WAY higher than Joe is tall...she must be at least 15 feet in the air! The funny thing is that she LOVED it! She is quite the little adventurer. Joe loves playing "rough" with her- he loves teaching her how to kick & throw a ball (she's actually pretty good at it!). He has even taught her to love the Panthers. Even with her limited vocabulary, she knows how to say "football" and can recognize it on TV. She even enjoys watching it! (The funniest thing is that when she see's the Panther's logo of the panther head she'll say "meow"- it drives Joe crazy. He keeps trying to teach her that Panthers don't meow- they roar!). Her new favorite is wearing her matching Panthers Jersey with Daddy.
With all that said, I still hope Joe gets a boy one day. He adores his precious girl and is thrilled about having another one...but I still think it would be cute to see a mini-Joe one day :)
Also- anyone who knows Alathea would know that she is all-girl. And Joe certainly treats her that way. He loves her pretty dresses, her necklaces and pink shoes. He wants Alathea to be girly and certainly feminine. He just likes a sporty girl too (hence why he married one :).
Omigosh, those pictures are hysterical! Better not let Social Services see them!
Daddies - gotta love them! Must be a Daddy thing - Nathan does the same thing with Emma.
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