Check out our new house in the background :) Actually, this is the Schaaf's new house where Mike & Sarah (pictured below, just for you Kel!) had there wonderful reception.
We had another incredible visit with my Lil' Sis. Aunt Julie continues to reign as Alathea favorite person. She'd follow Julie around the house saying "ju-je". Julie has been in town since Wednesday and came down to visit us, her many, many friends (she was out past midnight every night :) and for Mike & Sarah's wedding.
We spent lots of time at the pool as working on Julies tan was high priority (Rocky & I have made fun of her since she was a kid for having the whitest skin in the now she works EXTRA hard to prove us wrong :). We also enjoyed nice lunches out thanks to my generous Dad, treating us to meals while in MD. We ate at Julie's (and now my) favorite restaraunt, P.F. Changs, which just opened up at Northlake. We also had fun at Joes b-ball game, sonic & girly breakfasts out.
I'm so grateful for such a beautiful, fun , godly sister who is one of my best friends. There is hardly anything I love more than her visits! Alathea too...she actually cried quite a bit when Julie left. She then walked from room to room in the house calling out her name. The only thing that made it better was talking to her on the phone. So, Julie, we can't wait until you visit next month!
Makes me wish I had a sis! :)
I LOVE your relationship with Julie - it is so precious and shines forth what I think is Christ's model of family love!!! It reminds me SOOOO much of my sisters' relationships with me... And how I love their visits too!! It is SO nice that she can visit like that, so special in yours & Alathea's life... I know Joe is just like Jonathan in that he gives you freedom to have that relationship and spend as much times as possible when she's visiting! Our hubbies are wonderful men, yes! I LOVE your updates & pics - keep it up Jeanie! & you're not even showing yet!!!
JEANIE!!! I MISS YOU AND ALATHEA ALOOOOT AND JOE TOOOO!!!! I had so much fun!! love you!
you're the best! ;)
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