Happy Mothers Day to every Mom who reads this. But I don't want to forget the Mom dearest to my heart, my own Mother.
I wish I could tell her that I miss her more with each passing day. I wish I could thank her again for her love, her faithfulness to the Savior and for her example of a goldly wife, mother and child of God. I wish she were here to guide me as I walk out this beautiful calling of motherhood. I hope her wisdom and example over these years will influence me as I do. She is and always will be my Hero. I miss you, Mom! I thank God every day that I will be with you again soon, worshipping the Savior together!
Below is a tribute I wrote honoring her on the girl talk blog last summer.
May 12, 2006
A Tribute to Kathy Bowers
I want to honor my mother, Kathy Bowers, for teaching me the most important thing in life, that Christ has taken care of my greatest need by dying on the Cross for my sins, and that is what truly matters. You see, my mom has only weeks left to live. She has been heroically battling cancer for the past 7 years and unless the Lord chooses to heal her, she will soon be home with Him. My mom's life beautifully portrays a deep trust in the truth of the Gospel in ALL areas of her life. As she faces death, she has not even a hint of fear. She knows she is going to be with the Lord, and when she talks about it, she does so with a huge smile and great excitement. Mom has suffered severely this past year, often in intense pain, yet has never once complained. She tells others often that she deserves God's wrath and anything else is pure grace! She is a perfect example of joy in the midst of suffering. She trusts God completely--he is her solid rock that she stands on in trying times and because of that she has a steady faith that does not waver with the changing circumstances.
Mom lives with the truth of the Gospel in full view every day. There have been times when she has been in the emergency room in extreme pain and she has shared the Gospel with the nurse caring for her. She recently had a party held in her honor at which she spent twenty minutes sharing with her 200 guests that she has no fear in the face of death, that she is going to the place she was created for and it is because she has put her trust in the Gospel. She then shared the Gospel with all who were there. Mom has been sharing the Gospel with unbelievers her whole life--from women in her neighborhood, to orphans in Mexico.
Mom has lived the 50 years of her life on this earth serving heroically and focusing on others. She has impacted hundreds through her example, but I believe my family has been the most blessed by her. She has faithfully loved her husband and three children. She has faithfully served us. She has laid down her life for us and made us her priority. She has set an amazing example for my sister and me to follow as a wife and mother.
Mom has also faithfully discipled my sister and me. She has set an example for us of a women deeply in love with the Lord and His Word. She always told us being in the Lord's Word was her favorite part of the day. Even now, when at times she is so fatigued that she cannot read, she asks others to read to her. She has faithfully met with my sister and me week in and week out, caring for our hearts and teaching us to be godly women. She has always made herself available to talk to us, dropping whatever she is doing. Even now that she is sick, she makes a point to still ask about our day and our devotions. Without hesitation all three of her children would call her both their Hero and their best friend.
As Mom's life on this earth is coming to an end, it is evident to all that this woman ran the race hard and has glorified the Lord with her life. She is leaving behind a legacy of faith that will be legendary and inspire many. She has taught us how to rejoice in suffering and to live in light of eternity. She has taught us that placing our trust in the Gospel is truly what matters and that we should yearn to be with the Lord in Heaven.
Mom, I love you so much. Thank you for the godly woman you are. I will deeply miss you when you go home to be with the Lord, but praise Him that we never have to say goodbye. A crown of righteousness is awaiting you!
Jeanie Lechner
Jeanie, I just can't think about you and your mom together without tears filling my eyes....and wondering what in the world is wrong w/ me b/c I barely know you and never met your precious mother! But tonight...I know what it is...it's just the Lord grace in your lives...and it's absolutely worshipful! This is a beautiful post, sister! Thanks again for sharing the beautiful life your mother lived!!! The days the Lord gave you with her were absolutely priceless....though you got to share life with your mom for a shorter length of time here on earth than what seems "normal", what the Lord gave you in that time with her is eternal and will serve you and your family ALL of your days on this earth!
Happy Mother's Day, sister!!!
thanks for sharing this on mother's day! you have had such an example! praise God!
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